Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements for Reducing LDL Levels
This is the page with all the information you need to know about cholesterol lowering supplements, which can be the best things to help you as you work on lowering cholesterol naturally.
There is a natural remedy for high cholesterol just like there is a remedy for pretty much everything else, and the supplements to help lower cholesterol will be the way to go.
You can try niacin for cholesterol, or you may find that the cholesterol lowering herbs are the way to go.
If you prefer to avoid cholesterol reducing herbs, green tea and cholesterol can have a unique relationship.
The cinnamon cholesterol effects truly are amazing, and you can take garlic to lower cholesterol (and drive away enemies). Check out some of the options of herbal medicine for cholesterol and herbs for high cholesterol, learn more about flax seed to lower cholesterol, fish oil and cholesterol, and red yeast rice and cholesterol.
Here we have everything you need to know about cholesterol lowering supplements, so read on to find out more …
Cholesterol Lowering Supplements #1:
A Natural Remedy for High Cholesterol – Exercise
Before we get into the things you can eat to help you lower your cholesterol, we have to talk about another excellent natural remedy for high cholesterol: exercise.
Most of the people that have high cholesterol are people who have not been faithful with their exercise, as a sedentary lifestyle and extra weight often contribute to high cholesterol. After all, if you don’t do exercise, your body can’t burn all the fat that is circulating around your bloodstream, and thus you end up with the cholesterol attaching itself to the walls of your arteries.
Those that live a mildly active lifestyle are usually the ones that are the healthiest, as their active lifestyle keeps their metabolism running well and burning fat effectively.
Even if they don’t get out and do an exercise program, their constantly being in motion helps their bodies to burn all the junk that could cause clogged arteries and health problems. Just by being more active, you increase your chances of having a healthy, cholesterol free life.
However, if you have high cholesterol, getting more active isn’t going to be enough. If your cholesterol numbers are moderately high, doing just 30 minutes of exercise per day will be sufficient to help you lose weight, get in shape, and lower your numbers. If your numbers are very high, you may need to take more serious steps like getting medication and doing more exercise every day.
For those that do no more than 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise, did you know that you can increase your HDL cholesterol levels by up to 6% while lowering your LDL cholesterol levels by as much as 10%?
It seems obvious, therefore, that exercise is one of the best solutions to help you lower your cholesterol.
Cholesterol Lowering Supplements #2:
Niacin for Cholesterol
Now we get down to business with the cholesterol lowering supplements, the first of which is Niacin.
Niacin is one of the best of the supplements for cholesterol, as it is a natural B vitamin (B3). What makes it so awesome is that it is just as effective as a drug or medication, and this B vitamin will effectively lower your cholesterol numbers by increasing your HDL cholesterol.
That’s right, whereas most supplements and medications deal with lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, niacin for cholesterol deals with increasing your body’s natural levels of HDL cholesterol.
This means that you can actually get your body working on lowering cholesterol naturally thanks to the niacin for cholesterol, saving you from having to take other medications or supplements to get the job done.
Side Effects of Niacin
As with any medication or supplement, niacin does have side effects.
Some niacin supplement products can cause flushing, meaning that your face gets very red as a result of the increased blood flow.
You may also experience nausea, vomiting, headaches, itching, and other side effects. This is only common with certain types of niacin, so it is best to check with your doctor to be certain you are getting the right niacin for cholesterol according to your sensitivities and intolerances.
Despite the side effects, it is still one of the best supplements to take. This is because it is incredibly effective, boosting your HDL cholesterol levels by as much as 35%.
The increase in HDL can help your body to naturally get rid of all the bad cholesterol, thus enabling it to fight the problem on its own.
For a natural solution to high cholesterol, this is actually one of the best supplements to consider.
Cholesterol Lowering Supplements #3:
Cholesterol Lowering Herbs
There are certain herbs that will be very effective at lowering your cholesterol, and these cholesterol reducing herbs will help you to get control of your cholesterol effectively.
Each of the herbs for high cholesterol will have a different effect on each person’s body, but you may want to consider them.
Liquorice, for example, is an herb that can help you to lower cholesterol naturally.
Liquorice functions kind of like steroids do, and they prevent the body from producing cortisone from cortisol.
This ensures that the body cannot use the chemical produced by stress to alter your natural functions, thus helping to keep a good chemical balance inside your body.
Cortisol won’t only affect your cholesterol, but will affect many other functions as well; this makes liquorice a good herb to take.
Psyllium is another herb that can help you to get control of your blood cholesterol, and it has been proven to be effective at lowering total cholesterol as well as LDL cholesterol.
You can impact your LDL cholesterol by as much as 10% with psyllium, and you can lower your total cholesterol by up to 5% with the supplement.
Psyllium works by preventing the time it takes for your stomach to be emptied, and thus prevents your body from absorbing useful nutrients too quickly.
These are a couple of awesome cholesterol lowering herbs, and you may find that they will be very effective in helping you take back control of your body and fight off the cholesterol that can cause such dire problems.
Cholesterol Lowering Supplements #4:
Cinnamon Cholesterol Effects
Cinnamon is another awesome spice that is used in all kinds of tasty treats, but the spice is much better for your cholesterol than the foods it adds flavor to.
For example, did you know that cinnamon can help to prevent your body from forming clots in your blood vessels? Seeing as how cholesterol causes blood clots to form, eating more cinnamon is a great way to prevent your cholesterol from causing heart attacks or strokes as you work on lowering the amount of cholesterol in your body.
Cinnamon also helps to control the amount of blood sugar in your body, thus preventing diabetes.
Cinnamon contains a good deal of fiber, and everyone knows that fiber is one of the most important things your body needs to get rid of cholesterol. Fiber bonds with the cholesterol particles, prevents them from being absorbed into the blood stream, and ensures that they get sent out the disposal system of the digestive tract.
Getting more fiber will help you to control your cholesterol levels, and cinnamon is a great spice to add to your cooking.
You can make natural desserts with cinnamon, or even a touch of the amazing spice can add some delightful flavor to your food. Add cinnamon to your diet in order to obtain the many benefits.
Cholesterol Lowering Supplements #5:
Green Tea and Cholesterol
Green tea is the Japanese drink that infuses your body with antioxidants, and it is one of the most highly touted drinks when it comes to health food and supplements. Did you know that green tea and cholesterol are enemies, and the green tea usually wins out?
How does green tea affect cholesterol?
As mentioned above, there are lots of antioxidants in the green tea. These antioxidants do exactly what their name suggests: they prevent things from oxidizing.
Cholesterol turns into hard plaque when it oxidizes, and it sticks to the walls of your arteries and causes all sorts of mischief.
However, thanks to the antioxidants in the green tea, you can prevent the oxidization of the cholesterol and keep your arterial walls plaque-free.
Did you know that green tea can also boost your HDL cholesterol?
Boosting your HDL cholesterol is one of the best ways to combat the bad stuff naturally, so green tea is an effective ally in your warfare against cholesterol. Green tea can also lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in your body, thanks to the polyphenols in the tea.
It will help fight to keep your total cholesterol levels as low as possible, making it a great drink to add to your low cholesterol diet.
Cholesterol Lowering Supplements #6:
Garlic to Lower Cholesterol
Another of the excellent cholesterol lowering supplements that you can take is garlic, either in clove form, extract form, or pill form.
In fact, most doctors not only recommend garlic to lower cholesterol, but also to help improve overall heart health. As far as healthy supplements or foods go, garlic is near the top of the list.
What makes garlic so special?
One of the best things about garlic is that it helps to thin out the blood. This comes in very handy when you have high blood pressure, as the thinning of your blood helps to reduce your hypertension.
However, thinning out your blood also helps to reduce your cholesterol, thanks to the allicin in the garlic. You can prevent clots from forming thanks to the fact that your blood is thinner, and thus you run a much lower risk of serious cholesterol-related problems developing.
You can seriously reduce your LDL cholesterol levels thanks to the garlic, and you can also cause your HDL cholesterol levels to be increased.
Garlic packs a powerful punch against cholesterol, vampires, and enemies, and adding a bit of fresh garlic or garlic extract to your diet will help you to fight your cholesterol.
Another minor benefit of garlic is that it helps to round out the flavors in your food, and everyone knows that a rich, tasty meal will fill you up much faster than a bland one.
Thanks to the garlic in your food, you can feel less hungry, and thus you will be able to stop yourself from eating or drinking things that you shouldn’t (seeing as how they will elevate your cholesterol).
Cholesterol Lowering Supplements #7:
A Great Herbal Medicine for Cholesterol – Evening Primrose Oil
If you want a great herbal medicine for cholesterol, you must travel to the Far East, or China specifically.
The Chinese have come up with awesome herbal remedies and cholesterol lowering supplements, one of which is the Evening Primrose.
The oil of the Evening Primrose contains lots of great fatty acids that your body needs to function properly, but that will be all natural. The natural fats in this oil will help boost your HDL cholesterol and lower your total cholesterol, and you can obtain the natural benefits of this simple plant oil by taking even a few grams of the stuff every day.
Other Cholesterol Lowering Supplements to Help You Keep Your Cholesterol Controlled
Aside from the cholesterol lowering supplements above, there are a few more that will be excellent at helping you to keep your cholesterol under control. If none of the above cholesterol lowering supplements appeal to you, consider the following supplements as a possibility for helping you to lower high cholesterol:
- Flax Seed – Flax seed is one of the best things you can take (next to fish oil), as flax seed to lower cholesterol is incredibly effective. Flax seed contains lots of fatty acids that your body needs, but these acids will boost your circulation, help reduce levels of bad cholesterol, and thin out your blood.
- Red Yeast Rice – Red yeast rice contains monacolin, a substance that is used in statin medications to help reduce LDL cholesterol effectively. You can obtain the natural benefits of the statins without having to take the medications themselves thanks to the monacolin in red yeast rice.
- Fish Oil – Fish oil and cholesterol are natural enemies, as fish oil thins out the blood, prevents clots from forming, helps to prevent cholesterol from oxidizing, and basically acts as the Superman to cholesterol’s Lex Luthor.
- Soy Protein Isolate – Soy protein is very high in protein and amino acids, but it contains almost none of the fat that is found in meat.You can use soy protein isolate if you aren’t a fan of tofu or tempeh, but you will find that any kind of soy protein will be effective at keeping your body healthy while combatting your cholesterol.
- Artichoke Extract – Artichoke extract is incredibly rich in fiber, in fact it is nearly entirely made up of fiber.What it does is to bind the bile acid that would form into cholesterol in your stomach, preventing it from floating around your blood stream and causing mischief by blocking up your arteries. It also helps to induce the body to produce more bile from the liver, which in turn helps the body to excrete the cholesterol at a much faster rate. It can affect both your LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels, making it a very effective supplement to help you keep your cholesterol in check.
- Folic Acid – Folic acid is naturally found in spinach, broccoli, and most other leafy green vegetables, and this Vitamin B6 is incredibly effective when it comes to cholesterol. It will help to boost your body’s HDL levels while simultaneously lowering your LDL levels, thus helping your body to be able to dispose of the cholesterol on its own.
These are just a few of the many supplements you can take to fight cholesterol, and these cholesterol lowering supplements have the potential to be very effective.
Consult Your Doctor Before Using These Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements to Avoid Potential Unpleasant Side Effects
No matter how effective a supplement is, it is important that you check with a doctor before taking them. The reason for this is that some of the cholesterol lowering supplements mentioned above, while being incredibly effective and made from natural ingredients, may be too strong for your body to handle.
For example, the monacolin in the red yeast rice mimics the properties of statins, including the side effects. You may also have an allergy or intolerance to certain ingredients, and the results or side effects could be dangerous.
For this reason, it is important that you consult your doctor before taking any supplements, as that will help you to avoid any negative results or risks of these natural cholesterol lowering supplements.
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